P.O. Box 370269 DECATUR, GA 30037
Givelify is giving simplified. Givelify is the simplest, most beautiful way to give and track donations to the place of worship or charity of your choice. You’re not limited to the cash you have on hand. There’s no need to write checks, and there are no complicated forms to fill out or text message codes to remember. Givelify automatically pinpoints your location, and intelligently identifies the fundraiser, worship service, or conference you’re attending without the need to search.Since Givelify automatically detects where you are, making a donation can be completed in as few as three taps. Tap one: use one of the pre-configured denominations to choose your donation amount. Tap two: select the campaign to which you’d like to contribute. Tap three: with your stored credit or debit card, complete your donation in one tap and get an immediate donation receipt. Setting up recurring giving is a simple two-tap process. Tap the frequency and you’d like, and you’ll never forget to make your gift. Givelify lets you easily see your complete donation history. Mark charities as favorites so you can donate as frequently and generously as you’d like, even when you’re thousands of miles away. Mark the place of worship you normally attend as your Home for quick one-tap access.
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Giving donations have never been easier. Now you can give online through our Online Giving Portal feature. Simply Log In or Create A New Online Profile, follow the prompts to register your bank or debit/credit card information, and start giving. Also, the options to set up one-time donations or recurring gifts are at your finger tips.
Zelle is a quick and easy way to exchange funds through your banking app.
Just type in the email: Zelle @thecovenantatl.org to send your gifts directly from your bank account.